Chan 2020: Chan Shing Kwan, ‘丹青映彩,墨香滿樓:香港大學美術博物館新入藏展覽直擊’, in ARTouch, online [].
Chan 2020: Chan Shing Kwan, ‘藝術與科技的火花:簡鳴謙個展「蛻變或對抗」’, in ARTouch, online [].
Chan 2020: Chan Shing Kwan, ‘來一場初春的藝術饗宴:香港大學美術博物館2021年春季展覽直擊’, in ARTouch, online [].
Knothe 2019: Florian Knothe, ‘Fu Wenjun’s Digital Pictorial Photography‘ (傅文俊的數繪攝影), in Zhuoke Arts, online [].
Knothe 2019: Florian Knothe, ‘完美圖景——向世界展現中國的皇帝’ (‘Picture Perfect: Representing the Chinese Emperor to the World’), in 國際漢學 (Guoji Hanxue Journal) (International Sinology), 4, 78-87, 200-201.
Knothe 2018: Florian Knothe, ‘Contemporary History Painting and Social Engagement in Hong Kong’, in Caroline Lang and John Reeve (eds.), New Museum Practice in Asia, London, Lund Humphries, 149-152.
Knothe 2017: Florian Knothe, ‘Ying Tianqi: What Remains in Ruins’, in Gallery Magazine, 224, 29-33.
Knothe 2016: Florian Knothe, ‘Photojournalism in Post-War Europe: Celebrated Times of Art Creation and Documentation ’, in A.M. Post, 119, 24-27.
Knothe 2016: Florian Knothe, ‘In Pursuit of Beauty and Perfection: Contemporary Japanese Lacquerware by Takashi Wakamiya’, in Arts of Asia, 46(3), 144-147.
Knothe 2016: Florian Knothe, ‘Chen Xi’s Be Memorized: Contemporary History Painting in Modern-day China’, in Art Hongkong, 115, 102-109.
Knothe 2015: Florian Knothe, ‘Chinese Bronze Crosses: A Jingjiao Phenomenon of the Middle Ages’, in Orientations, 46(5), 60-63.
Knothe 2014: Florian Knothe, ‘A Short History of Asian and European Eighteenth-Century Glass and its Non-Destructive Comparative Analysis‘, in A.M .Post:, 111, 82-85.
Knothe 2014: Florian Knothe, ‘Re-born, Nurtured and Grown: HKU’s Museum and Art gallery in Hong Kong’s Cultural Landscape‘, in A.M .Post:, 112, 22-23.
Knothe 2014: Florian Knothe, ‘Pablo Picasso’s Ceramic Oeuvre‘, in A.M .Post:, 110, 14-15.
Knothe 2014: Florian Knothe, ‘Chinese Huanghuali and Zitan Furniture and its influeence over European Designs‘, in A.M .Post:, 109, 10-11.
Knothe 2014: Florian Knothe, ‘Refuse the Shadows of the Past: Austrian Art Made in China‘, in A.M .Post:, 108, 10-11.
Knothe 2014: Florian Knothe, ‘Reflections on Color: Artist’s Theory and Perception‘, in A.M .Post:, 106, 14-15.
Knothe 2014: Florian Knothe, ‘Treasures, Traditions and Transformations: UMAG at Sixty’, in Orientations, 45(2), 163-164.
Petit 2020: Hugo Petit, ‘Florian Knothe, jamais très loin de la France‘, in Paroles, Alliance Francaise de Hong Kong, Novembre/Decembre, No. 260, 8-11.