Announcement: In light of The University of Hong Kong’s (HKU) Tourist Flow Management Scheme that began on 1 May, visitors to UMAG must register before entering the HKU campus (except for Sundays).
However, registered participants of UMAG’s public programmes are not required to also register through the Tourist scheme.
For Tourist registration and further details:




Date:  19 Dec 2021 - 31 Jan 2022

Are you up for the challenge to think and paint in reverse order? Now it is the chance to push boundaries that yields surprisingly beautiful results.

From now until 30 January 2022, the University Museum and Art Gallery is displaying Chinese reverse glass paintings that depict scenes from mythology, popular literature and portrait of women. Auspicious objects, such as peonies that symbolise wealth and prosperity, are also on view.

This workshop will introduce the materials and techniques required to create reverse glass painting. Participants will use a wide range of art mediums to paint a peony on the backside of a glass panel.

This workshop will be conducted in Cantonese.

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